Monday, June 30, 2008

Update on Mackay.....

Well, Mackay has been in Seattle for a month now. He is not much for giving updates but here is what I got out of him...He is working for three different people! He tells me he is doing "everything!" He is laying sod, cleaning out rain gutters, powerwashing whatever is dirty. It is hard work. He feels like all he does is work. When I asked him if he is ready to come home....All he said was "Not yet, I will let you know when I am." And there you have it! Communication from a 16-year-old. But he is saving some money so that is good. And he didn't have to raise any pigs, which is a plus for him.

He did go camping with Ben and the scouts. They hiked about two miles but climbed 3500 feet in elevation. It was a steep hike to Lake Constance. He said it was cloudy but the fishing was good.....he and Ben just forgot to take fishing poles. :-(

Mack will also be going to Youth Conference at the end of July (if he lasts that long....). No trek in Seattle's a dance festival! That is more my style anyway! His dance partner is his friend, Hannah. Of course, Hannah is cute so Mel and Ben are monitoring that friendship.

Mack is still alive and kicking! I am missing him horribly but he seems to be enjoying himself. I do hope that Mel still likes me in August. In case you forgot what he looks like.....


Maxfields said...

I think it is good for him to be up there, working hard, and maybe missing home a little. It will make him appreciate what he has here more. And I am sure Melissa and Ben are taking good care of him.
