Monday, June 2, 2008

Oh, the blog.............

I have been working on a most profound blog for about a week now! And it just isn't ready! I have been a little under the weather so my brain is a little foggy! I can't get away from the thought that I need to post a little poem I wrote for one of my classes. I am sure it has been read by everyone in the fam but you can read it again. I am not a great poet by any means but I was given the assignment to share my experiences with a grandparent in a "creative" way. So, I came up with this short poem about Grandma (Donna) Anderson. I hope it brings back your own memories of this strong, little lady.

My Grandmother Through the Seasons
Emily Matthews

I look out my window and watch- as winter turns into spring
I take a moment to reflect on her- and how much that she means
To that little girl who looked to her as an extension of her own mother
Her gentle ways and kind words of love made me float above all others

I never understood how someone so small could be so awfully strong
Yet she was always there to help me through those days I felt so wrong
Spring is when the Earth renews and awakens from its sleep
And with each spring I feel her smile and twinkling eyes so sweet

She was always there in summer- to take us on camping trips
We went from Yellowstone to Zion’s Park- but her backyard was the hit!
Those summer nights on the back porch just talking meant so much
She told us stories of days gone by and taught us families must stay in touch

Fall was the best time of the year- ‘cause I always felt connected to her
Our birthdays were just days apart- and I wanted to be just like her
I close my eyes and smell her stuffing- as we sit at Thanksgiving together
With a barrel of belly wash too big for the fridge keeping cold outside in the weather

Winter brings my sweet memories of shopping and going to lunch
It was time I got to spend with her- which to me still means a bunch
Her generous heart brought strangers around to spend the holidays
She taught me that everyone is welcome- even if we don’t share names and ways

She sat with me when I was sick- hugged me when I would cry
Never once did I question she loved me- I knew ‘til the day she died
She accepted me for who I am even when I made mistakes
I am who I am because she was near and supported the choices I made

We can’t stop the seasons from changing- or the world from turning around
But with each season I spent time with her- I kept growing and learning how
To be a better woman who cares and shares and loves
I hope she likes who I have become- as she watches me from above!
Happy June to you all! School is out, the sun is shining, the breeze is warm, the Red Sox are winning again! What more could a gal ask for?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the memories!! She was a great lady. I miss her sometimes too. Love you and enjoyed our visit last week. Love, Your Mom

Maxfields said...

That was really beautiful. Again, sorry I'm so late in reading these. I miss grandma too, sometimes. She was a wonderful woman. I wish that Dave could have met her.