Friday, June 6, 2008

Tragedy on Clark Street

Tragedy has struck the littlest of the M's! Mallory's little poodle, Lacy Loo, was hit and killed by a car last night. All who knew Lacy are so aware that she loved to run around outside. Even moreso now that the weather has been warm. She had lots of energy and loved to run and play. The Allen's next door came to our aid and helped me get Lacy back to the house. (they are the best neighbors-they keep an eye on us) Mals and Jared built a box for her burial. Tonight Mals and her dad will pick a final resting spot and bury her sweet, little Lacy. We had a long tearful night! It is a sad day for the M's!


Anonymous said...

We are sorry to hear about your little dog. We know you loved her!
Love, The Hutchins

Maren Nielsen said...


Rowan and Lia will sure miss seeing Lacy when they come over. She was so cute and the kids really loved her... as did you. You were a sweet mommy to her. Hold on to those sweet memories of her. Those memories are something that can never be taken away.

Love, Maren