Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Oh, There’s Sunshine in my Soul

sun·shine-something (as a person, condition, or influence) that radiates warmth, cheer, or happiness….
What a wonderful concept…to surround ourselves with “sunshine”…those things that bring us happiness and joy! We all could use a little bit more sunshine in our lives each and every day! Abraham Lincoln said, “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” I believe this statement to be true! I believe that being happy is up to us! We make the decision (whether conscious or unconscious) to be happy and content with our own lives. However, I also believe that there are people who seem to make it easier for us to find joy! Think about that person in your life! The one who makes you smile by simply walking in the room! The one that fills your heart with peace when all you do is hear their voice! The one you can’t wait to see! The one who makes everything right! The one who fills your life with...sunshine!

Now…think about your life without them! Think how life would be if you were not able to open the windows to your soul and let the warmth and brightness of your sunshine in! How dark and cold the world would be! Sunshine is a gift from above! A gift that should not only be returned-but shared with others! Life is too short to stay inside when we could be out enjoying the day, soaking in the rays of sunshine that fill the air!

Are we the sunshine in the life of others? Are we a source of warmth and happiness to those around us? Do the people we love know we love them? Does the light within our beings send out rays of happiness….waves of pure, natural sunshine? Let today be the day that we take the sunshine thoughtfully conferred upon us and Pay it Forward…let your rays of sunshine bring warmth and happiness to the life of another!

Thank you to those who brighten my days! Thank you to the Sunshine in my life!

"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"
James M. Barrie


Mortons said...

Good Morning Sunshine!

Anonymous said...

Okay so its not from anonymous. It me...Sara Swallow. I found your blog from Krista's. You are awesome. I don't know you were such a writer. I know that GHS didn't give you that. I am soooo proud of you that you graduated. That is incredible that you forged through these difficult times but as usual you always come out on top just like your flower analogy. Well, I look forward to reading your blog.

PS. Oh, I am moving to Bluffdale on June 28th. No, not to the state pen.

Krista said...

WOW! I am speechless! I really have to leave it at that... SPEECHLESS! Beautiful entry!
Much Love, Krista