Friday, June 13, 2008

Toys.....not just for boys anymore!

Don't you just love new toys? Well, I L-O-V-E love 'em! We recently got a new phone system at work and everyone hated it at first....everyone but ME! What some saw as an unwanted change, I saw as a new toy that I didn't have to buy for myself! It was fun! (mind you, the other day when I had to change my voicemail, it wasn't as fun as it was the first day-but that is a blog for another day) Toys are everywhere! Even in unlikely places! And the toys we have at our fingertips are fabulous!, to name some of my favorites! Not to mention "!" Can you think of anything more fun than texting while you surf the classifieds on

My sweet friend, Deb, recently posted on her blog my new favorite toy! It is a photo convertor that makes pictures look old! What a great idea!! Who wudda thunk?!? I have been playing with it all evening! Now I don't have to beg Mack to help me with Photoshop so much! Although he is the master! (another blog for another day) Mom-what do you think of your boys now?????

Think of the possibilities.................Check it out!

What will they think of next??? Who knows-but I can hardly wait!!!


Krista said...

One blessing from having Mack gone ... you get to become more electronic saavy (just helping you to see the silver lining)! Maybe I should send Ty away so I can learn to load my own i-pod. He won't teach me how to do it. He says he is glad to take care of it for me! What is that all about? Why will these teenagers not help us to learn anything??!! Do they forget that WE taught THEM how to walk, talk and go pee-pee in the potty! Oh, I'm sorry ... I got way off track there! Sixteen year old's will do that to ya! Good job on your new toy Em!
Love, Krista