Monday, August 25, 2008

Who IS the better Joker???

Since "The Dark Night" came out in theatres I keep hearing the question, "Who is the better Joker, Heath or Jack?" Well, this weekend Mack and Mals their own twist on the question.....It started with Mals.....

She decided to try on her own version of the Joker-

Not to be out done.....Mackay had to give us his version-

Dang, my kids can be CREEPY! ! ! Move over Heath.....The M's are on your tail!


Krista said...

Seriously Em... this is FREAKING me out!! I dreamt on Saturday night that a bunch of clowns came in and sat on the back row of my Sunday School class... dangerous looking clowns like the one's you have pictured.

Em said...

Krista-I'm sorry! We didn't mean to freak you out. I promise they won't sit on the back row of your class....


Anonymous said...

Are they my grandchildren? Grandma Nielsen

Maxfields said...

A bit creepy, yes...
