Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I got this from my sister, Mel. Here are the rules:

1. Add a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It should be funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. I've done this on a couple of my friends blogs and it is fun to see every one's memories! Please, take the time to comment and write a memory of us!


Anonymous said...

All though our time together has not been long the memories with you are endless! To have to just pick one would be a shame so I am just going to keep making memories!

Maxfields said...

What can I say about my older sister Emily. My entire life I've been mistaken for her. All through Elementary, Middle and especially High School, and then I went to work at IHC and low and behold, I was mistaken again. But I never minded. Most people, once getting to know me, would say "You're nicer than your sister." : ) My earliest memories of you are always being your side kick. I was always paired up with you, when the older siblings had to take a younger sibling. I remember even doing a pee wee cheerleading thing with you. Where I had to be in a parade with you wearing red and white. I remember sharing a room with you and your bigger than life size poster of Jon Bon Jovi hanging on our door. And then the fateful day my cat crapped on your bed. Man you were mad. Chubsey didn't know better. And of course more recent memories of you and I living together with your two kids and my husband. It was actually kind of nice to be able to be there for you and get to know you on a more intimate level. I felt like we had some good talks and were able to connect. I was glad I was there on the bad days, but also there for some good. And I got a lot more home cooked meals while we lived together, I can't beat that. Thank you for being my sister. I love you!

Krista said...

I remember back in the 7th grade. We had Algebra together with Mrs. (oh, I forgot her name but she only wrote on the overhead) ... anyway, it was in that class that we decided to call each other "Eli" (me) and "Emilio" (you). It's funny because when I read back in my journal, that is how I always refer to you. Fun days, back then.

More recently, our trip to "The Zen Garden" was AWESOME!! I'll join "Sunshine" and keep making memories!

Mortons said...

Of course the early memories of you are of you screaming at Mom and being a "mean" teenager. But I was never scared of you, hence the story of the dirty dish rag. Man, that was funny but I did run for my life and I believe you sprayed me back with the sprayer. Remember, when we tore the sleeves off your shirt in Lake Powell and wore them on our heads like synchronized swimmers. I am pretty sure it was the sun but we laughed forever. I think that was the same trip that we did the dance from Rocky Horror Picture Show, put your knees in tight... Anyway, now that we are both adults the age gap has tightened and I think of you as a good friend. I know I can always call to chat and a friendly voice will be on the end of the phone. I love you to death, Sista.

Maren Nielsen said...

The first time we met, was at the Grantsville Fourth of July 5K race. Loren and I had been only dating a month or so at that time. After the race...we went back to your parents house and were all hanging out in the kitchen and you came right out and asked me, in front of everyone, when Loren and I were going to get married. I knew from that moment.... you were a spitfire! Afterwards, I think you got chastised by your Dad. Too funny! Or how about the time you babysat Rowan and we came to pick him up at midnight and rather than sleeping... he was awake eating M&M,s? He sure loves his aunt Elimy! Or how about the time you picked out that green finger nail polish when we were in St George getting pedicures eh? People could never figure out why we were laughing so hard! Those are just afew and I cant wait for the ones to come!

P.S. Have I told you lately how proud I am of you!
