Monday, September 8, 2008

Fall is in the air.....

I know September has just begun but I can already feel fall in the air. The crisp coolness of the morning declares to me "the leaves will be turning soon." For me, fall is the most beautiful of the seasons! It is the time when we are treated with nature's finale, a fireworks show of sorts, as mother earth presents her last performance before she prepares to sleep. The rich colors of autumn...yellow, orange, red, and brown create a feeling of peace and warmth. I yearn for that lazy Sunday drive up the canyon to witness the miracles of fall. Gardens are bursting with fruits and vegetables, just waiting for the harvest. Sweaters and jeans come out of hiding. Once again their welcome embrace will surround me. Fall brings with her school, football, hunting, pumpkins, corn mazes, the World Series, warm blankets, apple cider, Halloween costumes, carmel popcorn, Gardner Village with my sisters, and this year MY PARENTS! The magnificence of fall is truly a pituresque scene, a moment where peace, warmth, beauty and love unite, as the Earth prepares to slumber.

Fiery colors begin their yearly conquest of the hills, propelled by the autumn winds. Fall is the artist.

- Animal Crossing: Wild World, 2005


Lacey Sue said...

Truly beautiful description! I too, love Fall...if it wasen't for the cold part- it would be my perfect season. The colors are my fav., holidays are my fav., it's just a wonderful season of "comfiness"!! I love it!

Maxfields said...

Emily, you are so poetic! You brought tears to the pregnant woman's eyes! I too could feel the fall time in the air and I love this time. I just wish in Utah it lasted longer. Fall really is a short season compared to Winter and Summer. We so need to go to Gardner Village. YEA, and Mom will be home soon!!! I can't wait.


Anonymous said...

I just love Fall....90 degrees and 100 percent humidity and Hurricane abundant. When will winter ever get here? Alan