Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I am well aware that I am not the best driver in the world but on the drive to work this morning I was FLIPPED OFF, HONKED AT, and CUT OFF! What the heck?!?! Knowing that I can be a distracted driver, I asked my carpool partner if I was driving particularly horrible today. . . and I was NOT! I was not talking on the phone or putting on my makeup or displaying any one of my other distracted driving behaviors. And yet.....people were nasty today! I arrived at work wondering "What just happened?"

Thought of the Day: Be kind when you are on the road today! Just say "NO" to road rage!


It all began here said...

I am wondering if when you are on the phone, putting on makeup or just generally being distracted to other drivers display aggression and you just dont notice?

Just wondering.

Love you Em!