Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, here we are in a brand new year! It is time once again to evaluate how I spend my time and make some goals for the new year. I hate to call them "resolutions" because those just never seem to work out. But there are a few things I would like to accomplish in 2011....

1. Read at least one book each month. (ok, not so hard for me....but I do seem to go long stretches without reading and that is just no good)
2. Have FHE more regularly.
3. Crochet an "awesome" afgan.
4. Incorporate more color into my work wardrobe.
5. Get a new family picture taken.
6. Keep blogging!!

And finally.....Jared and I have decided to count points again. We both had success with the Weight Watchers program in the past and want to start it up again. We need to eat more healthy and I know I do a better job when I write down what I eat. We are also turning Mackay's room into a workout room, setting up the treadmill and total gym so we can get some exercise this winter as well. (Sorry Mackay.....)

I feel good about 2011! It will definitely be busy at work but hard work never hurt anyone!

What are your goals for 2011???


Lacey Sue said...

1. Be more patient with the kids- and myself.
2. Finish the back yard
3. LOSE 45 lbs.!