Sunday, February 7, 2010

A little too knifty??

If you know me at know I am not very talented when it comes to the domestic things of life. My family has gagged down many a failed dinner recipe. I don't even own a sewing kit so sewing on a button is a major undertaking. Wwweeelll...Malz got a "Knifty Knitter" for Christmas. I thought it would be fun so I tried it out myself....AND IT IS!! I have kind of taken over the looms. I started with a beanie...

It was a great way to get used to the loom. It wasn't perfect but it wasn't a total failure either. The beanie gave me hope! Maybe, just maybe, I will be able to actually make something that isn't a total BOMB. So, I tried again....this time I made a scarf!

Not too bad if I say so myself! But, alas, I guess I got little OVER CONFIDENT!! I decided to try another beanie. A beanie to keep my Sunshine warm! So, Jared and I went to the store and he picked out some nice and cozy wool yarn. This was going to be awesome! I was determined to make a beanie he could be proud to wear! Jared's final words were...."Make sure you make it big enough." Will do honey!
A beanie fit for a king! Or at least the Cat in the Hat! I guess the Knifty Knitter got the best of me this time! Sorry, Jared!
(Thanks to my models, Mack, Jess and Malz)


Glen's Family of TEN said... just gave Ashlan and I our comic relief for the night. We can now go to bed after a good HARD laugh. I knew you were a woman of many talents. Keep us posted on your latest projects.

Emily said...

That scarf really is cool. I'd wear it! And the cat in the hat beanie, well, it could become the next coolest fad. Tell McKay to get on that trend setting. ;) ...or not. We miss you all! Ben and Melissa and Shaun and I decided just today that it's a really good idea for you to come to Seattle while we're here. So, make a few more of those beanies to sell and save all the money in a jar and then COME! You can even sleep on the couch bed. ;)

Lacey Sue said...

Come on over, I am a knitting and crocheting fool! I love it! About the only "homey" "crafty" thing I do well! They turned out good..even the cat in the hat one ;)!

Krista said...

LOL! You're so silly! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how the scarf turned out. And I love Mack! :)