Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A tale of two trees....

Those who know me well, know I have a little tree issue.....I can't let the kids help decorate the tree! Kids around a tree make me extremely ANXIOUS! Why, I am not sure? I know it sounds horrible but I want my tree decorated in a certain way and a certain order. It's all about the PROCESS! We all know that kids don't work that way. Mackay and Mallory are used to this odd behavior...Isabelle and Gracie are not! So, I bit the bullet and let them decorate the smaller tree in our living room (the main tree is downstairs and I decorated it when they weren't home to avoid any unpleaseantness). I gave them a few instructions so I didn't totally lose it and I left the premises! I started feeling anxious as soon as they started picking up the ornaments....It is better not to watch! When they finished, this is what I saw...They did a great job! (I did move a few things around but tried not to move too much) This is a tradition I may be able to live with...I decorate one tree and let the kids decorate another while I am in another room, city, or state...

The funniest thing is my tree is nothing fabulous! A simple tree that the Festival of Trees would laugh at.... Anyway....Here is MY tree in the basement (the pics are bad, took them with my phone)

One huge step for Emily makes two big smiles for Gracie and Isabelle!


Maren Nielsen said...

Sounds like a good plan! Im glad they could still decorate one...they did a beautiful job:) We miss you guys! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It was kind of weird to not be with you all this year.

Krista said...

You old softy you!

Maxfields said...

You really have come leaps and bounds haven't you Emily! I can't say it enough, I am so happy you married Jared, you just seem so happy!
