Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Blog Background Blues

If you haven't noticed, I am NEVER satisfied with the background of the blog! I just can't seem to find the background that fits me. I try new ones from time to time and I can usually get a break from thinking about it with the changing of the seasons....But still I am not satisfied! I keeping looking but the perfect background continues to elude me. Should I just keep changing? Should I stop looking? Should I breakdown and buy a custom background designed just for me? Or should I just sit down and write a song?

....."I've got the blues....dum da da da dum....the blog background blues....dum da da da dum....I wish I could make one....dum da da da dum....with paper and glue....dum da da da dum"....

Well, maybe not. If anyone out there wants to design me a background or has seen one that you think fits me perfectly, let me know! Until then, I will keep strumming to the blog background blues!


Krista said...

I LOVE this backgound! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!