Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So much to be thankful for...

I know, I know.....I am always having days of reflection but here we are again! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I have so much for which to be thankful! Here are just a "few" things:

1. Jared!!!
2. My kids-they know how to drive me crazy sometimes, but they are great! What would I do without them?
3. Jared's kids-they are so loving and accepting! I am so glad to have them too!
4. My family-My parents are home safe and sound! And tomorrow ALL of the Nielsen's will be together!
5. My job (Jared's job too) and great people to work with! With the ecomony so unsteady right now, it is great to have a job that is more secure than a lot of others out there!
6. A home to live in and food to eat.
7. My health and a healthy family....but let's add a little Airborne so we don't get sick this holiday season!
8. Lower gas is sure nice not to have to pay so much at the pump.
9. Pumpkin pie!
10. Nice warm sweaters and hot chocolate!
11. Kisses from my husband (that sounds so nice, doesn't it?)!
12. Slow days at work
13. Jared's family.....I am glad to be the "new" Emily Johnson (yes, there is another)!
14. Great friends who love and support me!
15. Wanting to be home more than anywhere else!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Lacey Sue said...

Thank you for sharing your overflowing happiness with us all. I need to borrow some of it...hope you don't mind :)!? Reading your blog always makes me feel just a bit more positive and happy. Thanks Em!