Monday, April 14, 2008

I want to be like the lotus flower

...from the depths of the muddy bottom of a pond, it emerges. It flourishes in clear ponds and muddy lakes. With roots buried deep in the dark soil-its stalk emerges and aims for the heavens-as it shoots through the water-to ultimately unfold a beautiful blossom! A flower that appears to be lazily floating on the water's surface. One petal at a time, the lotus begins to bloom with the first rays of sunshine. A symbol of renewal, transformation, and new beginnings- - the embodiment of unlimited potential...

I want to be like the lotus...No matter where my roots are planted-Whether life is clear or murky-I aspire to bloom with the morning sun! I long to become something beautiful. To take the daily struggles of life and and turn them into opportunities to grow strong and straight, with my sights set on the surface. To reach the morning when my soul can bloom! Petal by petal-each joy, each pain, each smile, each tear, each triumph, each trial....each experience sculpting the beauty of the blossom waiting to burst with the warmth of the sun!

How easy it would be to get stuck in the muck of life instead of pushing ourselves toward the surface where we are free to become what we are meant to be....more beautiful with each moment in the sun!

Throughout our lives, there are times when we are given a gift....a chance for a new beginning. These times of transformation may not always be what we planned for our lives. But-If we perservere, our stalks will become thicker and stronger on our journey to the surface. Making the morning bloom sweeter than we imagined.

Let us be like the lotus....constantly pushing ourselves out of the muck-stretching with all of our strength toward the surface-where the suns rays give us the opportunity to show the world our beauty!


Anonymous said...

Where no you get your ideas? They are great. We love you new blog look. Thanks for the inspirational message. We loved it. Love, Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

that was very moving!