Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One Month, Four Days.....HAWAII

Yes, it's true.....In one month and four days the Nielsen Clan is headed to GLORIOUS Hawaii! This is the trip we have all waited for! Mom and Dad, all eight of the Nielsen kiddies (who aren't really kids anymore) and their spouse/partner!!! Eighteen of us running amuck in Hawaii! Can you just picture it???? WELL, I CAN!!! Eight days with Jared all to myself (sort of)! It is so close and I can hardly wait! I hope the next month passes by quickly! Can everyone say "ALOHA?"



Maxfields said...

Hooray, hooray! I can't stinkin' wait!!! I am so excited! I feel the same way, time alone with Dave, sort of. : ) And I am excited to spend time with my family when they are kid less. So awesome!!

Maren Nielsen said...

Aloha! I cant wait! Loren and I dream about it everyday! Im am getting ready! Yeah! Alone time with no kids....thats what Im talkin bout!

Lacey Sue said...
