Friday, April 16, 2010

Things that made me smile today....

I am sitting here at my desk, pondering the fact that I wish I was home with Jared and feeling a little blue. So, I went through the pictures on my phone and realized that while I can't be home hanging with the hubby, I have quite a bit to smile about...
A nice, new office...
Four kids jumping on the trampoline together...

A text from Cam the Man.....well, Mel sent it but I know it was from him!
A goat hanging out on the side of the road....another joy of living in a small town!
(I miss my goat!)

Gracie catching at the softball game last night...

AND simply knowing when I get home, Jared will be there!!!! It truly is the simple things in life that make me happy!


Lacey Sue said...

What a beautiful and tender blog!! I love, every bit of it, except the goat- I have goat issues...and that one looks especially evil (ugh). But other than that :) Totally awesome quote, you are truly blessed sweet lady!

Krista said...

YOU make me smile Em!